
The “Planta Magica” project is born out of my passion for plants and herbalism. I am offering here plant-inspired art, hand-picked and carefully processed herbs and seeds, as well as info resources about plants, herbalism and gardening.

Why make this a new project?

Over the past years I have written a lot about plants and have photographed plants in different development stages. Jars and vessels with ritually harvested herbs from my garden and surroundings are piling up at my home and are destined to be used in ritual specific incense blends, as part of herbal fetishes and of course for inspiration and study. In the summer of 2015 I felt a genuine impetus to give this new project a go and put it out into the world.

What does the name “Planta Magica” mean?

The name springs from my Sigila Magica Plantarum – personal artworks dedicated to my plant allies. Planta magica simply means “magical plants”. I could also call this Magia plantarum, meaning the “magic of plants”. My German moniker would be Pflanzenkunst, meaning the “plant art”.

What will change?

“Teufelskunst” will focus again more on edgy artists, dark art and occult media, whereas “Planta Magia” is destined to become the new source for anything related to the garden, plants, herb magic and plant inspired artwork. I aim to create in-depth resources for both fields, giving each the space they require.

What has been done so far?

  1. I opened a shop, where I intend to offer hand-picked and carefully processed herbs, as well as ritual incense
  2. I registered a new domain planta-magica.com (not yet linked to an existing site)
  3. I dedicated a new Facebook page to the project

What needs to be done next?

Starting from the shop and previously written blog articles about different plant species, I aim to create a plant lexicon with integrated shopping facility. Visitors looking for a specific herb or plant can visit the page, read about the plant and its magical attributions, uses and propagation methods and add items, such as dried herb or seed or also ready-made incense to their cart.

2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hallo Wiebke,

    vielen Dank für die ganze Arbeit, die du dir mit deinen verschiedenen Projekten machst. Du hast mich bereits dazu inspiriert, die Aufzucht von Belladonna und Alraune zu wagen und mich eingehender mit Pflanzen und Kräutern zu beschäftigen. Auf dein Pflanzenlexikon werde ich gespannt warten!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Vielen Dank und entschuldige die späte Antwort. Ich habe hier heuer das Gartentagebuch aufgeräumt und ergänzt. Es ist fast vollständig für 2016. Die Rubrik mit den Pflanzenmonographien wächst, so langsam aber sicher. Neu hinzugekommen ist eine Seite für mein Mandrake-Projekt (unter der Rubrik Kunst zu finden). Auch ergänze ich langsam die Rubrik für die Räucherstoffe. Sehr gern würde ich alles zweisprachig anbieten. Schauen wir mal, was sich 2017 ergibt. 🙂


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